第一财经、中国银行联合举办“2024上海全球资产管理论坛”,国际化专场(中东)以"携手推动中阿金融高质量合作"为主题,邀请两地的金融服务和贸易投资机构,深入探讨中国与中东地区市场现状和投资趋势、加快互联互通金融赋能产业发展以及中阿金融高质量合作与策略等双方市场高度关注的热点话题,推动双方在金融市场合作和风险防范等方面达成共识,助力构建更加紧密的金融合作伙伴关系,为中阿经济的高质量发展注入新的动力。Yicai Media and Bank of China jointly hold the "2024 Shanghai Global Asset Management Forum", with an international session themed "Fostering High Quality Cooperation in the Financial Sector between Chinese and the Middle East." Business leaders from both sides are invited to exchange thoughts on the current developments and prospects of bilateral trade and investment, introduce initiatives to promote high-quality collaboration in the financial area as new drivers to the real economy.